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Taking Aid To Poland for the Ukraine 22nd March 2022
The unjust war that Putin waged on the Ukraine people really hit a heart string with me and so I decided this time I can help and so I will! The following videos and photos are my story about helping. There is much more that we can all do and I am so happy that finally on 1oth April our Prime Minster went to visit Ukraine to show support, hopefully that means the war will end soon - keeping fingers and toes crossed.
There are many big thank you's to; Claire and Carrie for organising the donations, Tracey, Ian and Henrietta for letting us use the shed to store the donations; John for coming with me and putting up with my hanger; Teressa the truck for not missing a beat - thanks to Adam at Handley’s Garage for looking after her so well and Equine Rescue Services for covering her just in case! Atacanter Horsebox Hire and Sales for checking out all the customs rules. Everyone who donated goods and money, without you the trip would not have happened.

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